Building Champions : A Motivational Presentation

Bok av Augustine Logie
To win, and the ability to keep on winning, is every competitor's desire. From the field of sports, the corridors of business, to the many facets of everyday life, winning motivates everyone. Augustine 'Gus' Logie, former West Indies Test Cricket player and subsequent championship winning coach of the West Indies Test Cricket team, along with Emmanuel Guadeloupe, Motivation Speaker and Author, have combined years of proven experience and successful methodologies from their respective backgrounds to produce this book: Building Champions - A Motivational Presentation. The principles for gaining a strong attitude towards winning are presented in this working manual for the benefit of anyone who would like to develop a greater determination to win. The following topics will inspire a zeal to succeed: How Champions Win Building A Championship Team How Champions Deal With Defeat Confidence vs. Anxiety The Authority of Champions The Language of Champions Building Champions will motivate you with: A Mind to Win & A Will to Succeed