Difficult People Handbook : Your Quick Start Guide For Dealing With Difficult People Who Drain You Dry

Bok av Ramit Gupta
Stop letting difficult people drain you of your energy! Learn how to identify and deal with every kind of difficult person effectively in this all-in-one ultimate guide to figuring out how to deal with toxic and difficult people! Every one of us knows a really difficult person.  All you have to do is sit across a table from them from half an hour before smoke starts erupting from your ears, your head explodes with fury and your legs start telling you to sprint towards the exit. In one way or another, they know how to pull all your strings while you simultaneously pull all your hair out.  They come in all shapes and sizes:  The openly aggressive difficult person who knows exactly how to make you feel "never good enough", the passive aggressive difficult person who will always say just the right things to rub you entirely the wrong way, and the passive difficult person who just doesn't care enough about anything (they're worse than they sound!). Whether or not you want to deal with all three of these people, the reality is, at one point or another, you will have to.  You will be sitting across that table as they slowly shatter your ego, pushing your buttons and igniting your anger.  Trust me, I've been there and I know what it feels like, but it doesn't have to be that way if you are prepared to deal with them.  Are you prepared? If not, I wrote this book exactly with you in mind, to arm you with a handbook that you can look back to time and time again when you come across these people who drain you dry.  In this book, I created a step-by-step process of proven techniques to disarm and deal with difficult people in every area of life. I break down how they become difficult, why they stayed that way, and why attempts to change them just won't work.  I also give you some great tips on what not to do around them, because what may have seemed like an acceptable response from you in the beginning will only turn into nails on the chalkboard as time goes on. Don't face these people alone. Here Is The Information I'll Arm You With... The 5 Questions For Discovering Difficult People In Your Life The 3 Most Obnoxious And Draining Difficult People The 3 Most Common Responses To Difficult People That Always Backfire The Best Mindset For Facing Difficult People How To Be Assertive In The Face Of A Difficult Person My 3 Proven Solutions For Dealing With Difficult People Much, much more! Don't let another difficult person keep your head spinning with frustration. Buy your copy today!