Twitter Marketing for Realtors : Real Estate Marketing in the 21st Century Vol.1

Bok av Michael Smythe
Looking for a way to boost your real estate marketing with good, old (somewhat chaotic) Twitter? Want to know how to turn all those tweets, retweets, favorites -- and often unstable users -- into tangible benefits to your real estate business.  Interested in the secrets of a sucessful real estate marketing social media campaign that DOESN'T require you to work 12 hours a day...and take every ounce of mental energy you have? Well, worry not, ambitious real estate agent! Because in: Real Estate Marketing in the 21st Century Vol. 1 - Twitter Marketing for Realtors you'll learn, in this straight-shootin' of real estate marketing books, real estate marketing strategies that include: "The 'How to Make Money From Twitter' Blueprint" - When becoming a real estate agent it can be a challenge to know what you should and should not on a strategic level. This offers a simple step-by-step system you can use to turn all those tweets and retweets and followers into actual cash. "How to Create a Kick-Ass Twitter Profile" - This will get you up and runing, quickly, without fuss, primed for Twitter real estate awesomeness. "How to Get a Ton of Twitter Followers (FAST!)" - Here we'll show you some ninja tricks for boosting your Twitter tribe and making a real dent in your real estate marketing plan. (And most of it you can outsource to other people.) "Custom Apps (and Why They are your Best friend)" - I'll explain how Facebook royally tries to screw us over as marketers, and how custom apps can help you take back the power with focused little silos of content that are a perfect part of your real estate marketing plan. "The REAL Secret to Effective Twitter Real Estate Marketing" - In this chapter, we'll dig into the nitty-gritty of creating viral Twitter campaigns and leveraging the four most powerful letters in all of marketing....FREE! "7 Steps to Turn Twitter Prospects Into Real Estate Clients" - We'll show you how to use Twitter to create and organize awesome in-person events, and how to use them to triple your leads, in less than a half-hour. "5 Tools Every Real Estate Agent on Twitter Has Gotta Have" - This is where we dicuss 5 must-have Twitter tools that will save you time and make you money. Fast! (Let's see the other real estate agent books do that!) So, give Real Estate Marketing in the 21st Century Vol. 1 - Twitter Marketing for Realtors a try! You might just find it the best new source of real estate marketing leads since the direct mail postcard!