Rose Garden Lane : My Tragic Story of Greed, Family Betrayal and the Hidden Crime in the Divorce Courts

Bok av Nina Cappella
This book reflects the following: Prior to WWII, we were privileged to witness the last days of the horse-drawn ice wagons, the ragman, and even the musical Umbrella Fix-It Man. All children in homes, churches, and schools were taught that their behavior was accountable to God, and it worked! Domestic violence and abuse of women were tolerated, and the woman was always to blame. Immigrants achieved progress and wealth by the sweat of their brow. Family destruction by means of divorce was acceptable, and still is, as long as lawyers and judges made money! My prayer is that everyone who reads this book will realize the pain and suffering a corrupt legal system inflicts on families and that this book fall into the hands of a qualified person who can and will do something about it because divorces do not belong in the court system as a lawsuit.