Go Back With Me: A Nostalgic Recall Of E : A Nostalgic Recall of Early 1940 Life in West Virginia

Bok av Nina Holland
Magdalene Snow is a bitter, middle-aged women. When riled, she is thought to likely shoot her rifle at animals and people alike. She leads a solitary life and wants nothing more than to be left alone in her self-imposed exile. She speaks to no one and scorns any overtures from local residents who come too near her small cabin. She came to Birch Mountain to escape an abusive husband and her only desire is for security and solitude. However, what she finds is something quite different. A small child named, Blue, determines to enter into Maggie's world with, or without, an invitation. She is persistent and fearless in her maneuvers to get acquainted with any newcomers. In the beginning Maggie determinedly resists the overtures of the troublesome little girl, but over time she is won over and discovers a joyous life which she never knew existed. She gradually finds great peace and acceptance in dwelling on that same mountain for the remainder of her days. In fact, her great desire to be alone when she first arrives on Birch Mountain, comes to pass only after she has grown old. Due to progress, the people of her world have either moved away, or passed away. In the late 1940's the community in the foothills called Fancy Knoll, ceases to be, and Maggie alone remains. As a tribute to Blue, she sets her mind to write the stories of the local people who have lived in the area, either as she shared them herself, or as they were told to her. These are the stories of one community and are written to preserve the lives and culture for a future generation. Maggie's tales are the stories of the people of Fancy Knoll.