History of Esoteric and Anagogic Doctrines

Bok av Cihangir Gener
A study on Freemasonry, Illuminati, Esoteric and Anagogical developments, extending to the two lost continents of Mu and Atlantis to the Maya, Uyghur and the Egyptian civilizations, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Where are the roots of monotheism? Who were the first monotheistic believers? Where are the roots of today's heavenly religions? This research is about a doctrine that has deeply influenced the belief systems since the dark periods of human history within the context of processes of historical development of esoteric beliefs. In addition to the birth of monotheistic religions, the esoteric teachings that enable the rational thought system to reach the present and allow us to be in the Era of Reason, reveal that God is love and not fear, and that the power of intuition is led by reason. The greatest deficiency of our time is that this great love is not boldly revealed. The real purpose of this work is to bring this sublime expression of love out of its narrow frames to reach out to the masses.