Harvard Classics Volume 27

Bok av Sir Philip Sidney
Contents:1. The Defense Of Poesy, by Sir Philip Sidney2. On Shakespeare and On Bacon, by Ben Jonson3. Of Agriculture, by Abraham Cowley4. The Vision Of Mirza and Westminster Abbey, by Joseph Addison5. The Spectator Club, by Sir Richard Steele6. Hints Towards An Essay On Conversation, A Treatise On Good Manners And Good Breeding, A Letter Of Advice To A Young Poet and On The Death Of Esther Johnson (Stella), by Jonathan Swift7. The Shortest-Way with the Dissenters and The Education Of Women, by Daniel Defoe8. Life Of Addison, by Samuel Johnson9. Of The Standard Of Taste, by David Hume10. Fallacies Of Anti-Reformers, by Sydney Smith11. On Poesy Or Art, by Samuel Taylor Coleridge12. Of Persons One Would Wish To Have Seen, by William Hazlitt13. Deaths Of Little Children and On The Realities Of Imagination, by Leigh Hunt14. On The Tragedies Of Shakespeare, by Charles Lamb15. Levana And Our Ladies Of Sorrow, by Thomas De Quincey16. A Defence Of Poetry, by Percy Bysshe Shelley17. Machiavelli, by Thomas Babington MacaulayAlso available:The Complete Harvard Classics Collection (51 Volumes + The Harvard Classic Shelf Of Fiction)50 Masterpieces You Have To Read Before You Die (Golden Deer Classics)