Major Rudolf Witzig Le Vainqueur D'Eben-Emael : FallschirmjaGer Sur Tous Les Fronts

Bok av Franz Kurowski
This book presents the history of the famous Major Witzig, born on August 14, 1916, aspiring officer on April 1, 1935, head of the engineering section of the Fallschirm-Infantry Battalion in August 1938, with which he captured Fort Eben-Emael at dawn on May 10, 1940, capturing 1,200 soldiers with his 55 paratroopers. Awarded the Knight's Cross, he jumped in Crete where he was seriously injured. Afterwards, he commanded a battalion of paratroopers in Tunisia and on the Eastern Front. He was attributed the oak leaf cluster. After the war, he became a colonel in the Bundeswehr. French Language