Studies in Romance Languages

Bok av Carol Neidle
Frontmatter -- Clauses Introduced by the Preposition Para in Spoken Spanish: an Analysis from a Discourse Viewpoint / Bentivoglio, Paola -- Scribal Worries and Sound Changes in Medieval Spain / Blake, Robert J. -- Catalan Nasal Assimilation / Bonet-Farran, Neus / Saltarelli, Mario -- French Quoi and its Clitic Allomorph QUE / Bouchard, Denis / Hirschbuhler, Paul -- Parasitic Chains and Binding / Contreras, Heles -- Epenthesis in Catalan / DeCesaris, Janet A. -- Case, Clitics, and Lexical NP's in Romance Causatives / Goodall, Grant -- Epenthesis Processes in Spanish / Harris, James W. -- The Subjunctive Disjoint Reference Effect / Kempchinsky, Paula -- Prosody and Discourse Signals in Spanish Declarative, Imperative, and Reported Speech Sentences / Kvavik, Karen H. -- Syllable-Final Processes in Catalan / Mascaró, Joan -- Interpretive Chains, Floating Quantifiers and Exhaustive Interpretation / Milner, Jean-Claude -- Asyllabism and Stray Adjunction in Romance / Montreuil, Jean-Pierre -- Two Sources of VS order in Rumanian / Myhill, John -- Liaison and Nasalization in French / Prunet, Jean-Francois -- Romance Infinitival Clauses and Case Theory / Raposo, Eduarde -- The Development of Cohesion in Portugese-speaking Children / Rodrigues Vieira, Marco Antonio / Dillinger, Mike -- Clitic/Particle Agreement and Auxiliary Alternation in Romance / Taraldsen, Tarald -- The Timing of Latent Consonants in Modern French / Wetzels, Leo -- Subject Index