Claudia Larcher - Rooms : #rooms #raume #locaux #architecture #architektur #collage #animation #arts #kunst #lart #digitalarts #digitalekunst #lartnumerique #video

Bok av Verena Konrad
The book as an imaginary space - space as an infinite book whose pages are to be stripped off: The project Claudia Larcher - Rooms, by the Viennese artist born in Bregenz in 1979, unfurls the multilayered space-time realities generated in her works. Larcher's photographs, collages, video animations, (textile) objects and installations make spatial boundaries elastic; space continua find themselves stretched into infinity or compressed into an origin, shifted into each other or resampled. In a single act of appropriation, images of architecture, landscapes, nature, and even skin are used like found footage material in order to reconceptualize the surfaces and structures of what is real. The book visualizes the works of the artist in numerous image sequences.