Proceedings of the Fourth Lectin Meeting : Copenhagen, June 1981

Bok av T. C. Bøg-Hansen
Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- Part I. Biological Effects and Biological Functions of Lectins -- Histophathological Changes Induced in Mice by the Plant Toxin Ricin and its Highly Purified Subunits A-Chain and B-Chain / Richer, G. / Carriere, D. / Blythman, H. E. / Vidal, H. -- Suppression of Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis in Guinea Pigs and Rats by Concanavalin A / Mori, R. / Kuroda, Y. / Aoki, T. / Takenaka, A. / Nakamura, T. / Namikawa, T. -- Lectins, Allergens and Mucus / Freed, D. L. J. -- Effect of Viscum Lectin on Histamine Release from Human Leukocytes / Sehrt, I. / Luther, P. -- Analysis of the Recycling Behaviour of Galactose-Specific Lectins on Rat Liver Cells / Vogt, D. / Kolb, H. -- Interaction of Soybean Agglutinin with Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte Subpopulations: Evidence for the Existence of a Lectin-Like Substance on the Lymphocyte Surface / Barzilay, M. / Monsigny, M. / Sharon, N. -- A Recognition Mechanism in the Adhesion of Nematodes to Nematode-Trapping Fungi / Nordbring-Hertz, B. / Friman, E. / Mattiasson, B. -- The Lectin-Producing Cells in the Sponge Tissue / Bretting, H. / Jacobs, G. / Donadey, C. / Vacelet, J. -- The Non-Random Distribution of Lectin in the Azolla caroliniana-Anabaena azollae Symbiosis / Mellor, R. B. / Rowell, P. / Stewart, W. D. P. -- Distribution, Specificity and in vivo Significance of Phytolectins / Sandhu, R. S. / Reen, R. S. -- Occurrence of Lectin During the Life Cycle of Lathyrus Species / Rouge, P. / Pere, D. -- Part II. Cell Receptors and Cell Reactions -- Monosaccharides and Tamm-Horsefal1 Glycopeptide Inhibit Allogeneic Antigen-Induced Lymphocyte Blàstogenesis in One-Way Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction / Franceschi, C. / Licastro, F. / Chiricolo, M. / Serafini-Cessi, F. / Tabacchi, P. -- Murine 3T3 Cell Deformability and Concanavalin A Agglutination -- Correlation with a Physical Model System / Wang, P. Y. / Evans, D. W. / Bazos, M. J. / Yu, S. K. / Parravano, A. -- Lectin Binding to and Lectin Induced Agglutination of Haemopoietic Cells / Harding, M. / Gallagher, J. -- Lectin Binding by Malaria Infected Erythrocytes / Adebiyi, R. F. / Parnell, G. / Forrester, A. / Davies, A. J. S. -- A Tumor Specific WGA-Receptor on a Chemically Induced Carcinoma / Hauenstein, H. / Hermann, G. / Weil, H. P. -- Distribution of Lectin Receptors in Neonatal and Embryonic Mouse Tissue / Valk, M. A. van der / Hageman, P. -- Interaction of Peroxidase-Coupled Helix pomatia Lectin with Rat Hepatoma Cells / Weil, H. P. / Lempfried, K. W. / Hermann, G. -- Use of Lectins for the Characterization of the Insulin Receptor Glycosidic Moiety in Rat Adipocytes and Hepatocytes / Cherqui, G. / Capeau, J. / Caron, M. / Picard, J. -- Ricin 120 as a Selective Marker in the Nervous System / Debbage, P. L. / O'Dell, D. S. / James, D. W. -- The Role of the Cell Coat in Palatal Shelves Adhesion. The Action of Neuraminidase and Limulus polyphemus Lectin on Shelves Cultivated in vitro / Heinen, E. / Baeckeland, E. / Renard, A. M. -- Mobility of Con A Receptors at the Surface of Palatal Shelves before Closure of the Secondary Palate / Baeckeland, E. / Heinen, E. / Renard, A. M. -- Increased Alpha-Galactosidase Activity in Normal and Fabry Fibroblasts Treated with Con A and Purified Enzyme / Hasholt, L. / S rensen, S. A. -- Lectin-Induced Surface Changes in Lymphocytes of Gnotobiotic Pigs / Kovaru, H. / Kovaru, F. / Plasek, J. / Fisar, Z. / Mandel, L. -- Mitogenic Lectins and Alpha-Fetoprotein as Modulators of Lymphocyte Surface Enzyme Activities / Kovaru, H. / Kovaru, F. / Pospisil, M. -- Part III. Macromolecules and Lectins -- Specific Interaction of R-Type Lipopolysaccharides with Lectins Versus their Non-Specific Reactivity with Basic and Hydrophobic Proteins / Ahamed, N. M. / Kuhn, H. M. / Widemann, C. / Radziejewska-Lebrecht, J. / Mayer, H. -- Lectin Receptors in Proteogalactans from the Albumin Gland of Achatina fulica / Okotore, R. O. / Uhlenbruck, G. -- Affinity of Leucoagglutinin (L-PHA),