Age of Electricity : Pioneering Achievements in Electrical Engineering

From a small Berlin backyard workshop to a global corporation - Siemens is one of the few industrial companies that can look back on such a long and successful tradition. For over 160 years, the name and brand of "Siemens" represents strength of innovation, top technological achievements, quality, reliability, and international presence. This picture book is not so much about paying tribute to the efforts and accomplishments of Werner von Siemens. Rather, it focuses on the era of the second generation of entrepreneurs and the pioneering days of heavy-current engineering: Its fantastic pictures put the spotlight on selected reference projects in the business sectors of energy, mobility, industry, and communication, showing how Siemens advanced the electrification of infrastructure and everyday life on a global scale. The illustrations convey a vivid and impressive picture of the pioneering feats achieved by this power engineering company between the 1880s and early 1930s in Germany, Europe, Latin America, and Asia.