Die Zulässigkeit von Herstellung, Nutzung, Import und Implantation nukleozytoplasmatischer Mensch-Tier-Hybride aus rechtlicher und rechtspolitischer Sicht

Bok av Corinna Odine Bobsien
»The Legitimacy of the Production, Use, Importation, and Implantation of Nucleocytoplasmic Human-Animal Clone Embryos from a Legal and Political Point of View«The production and use of human-animal clone embryos that are created by the nuclear transfer of a human somatic cell nucleus into an enucleated animal oocyte are lex lata detected neither by the Embryo Protection Act nor by the Stem Cell Act and are thereby exempt from punishment. Under Constitutional Law, however, these entities are amenable to the protection of Art. 2 II GG. The author proposes a new legal regulation according to which the production of human-animal clone embryos may only be authorized in a limited and controlled manner for high-level research purposes.