Auftrag und Kontrolle im Drei-Stufen-Test : Eine Analyse der Drei-Stufen-Testverfahren für die Bestandsangebote der Telemedien öffentlich-rechtlicher Rundfunkanstalten vor dem Hintergrund gemeinschaft

Bok av Nina Gerhardt
»The Remit of Public Service Broadcasters and its Supervision in the Three-Stage-Test«The publication is devoted to the debate about online offers of public service broadcasters in Germany. The question whether the internet services of the stations ARD and ZDF are fully permitted is answered by means of European and German law. Herefore the focus is on the so called three-stage-test introduced as a regulatory requirement in 2009 and the supervision of public service broadcasters in Germany. A further focus is on digital text offerings from ARD and ZDF in competition with the press.