Die Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie (PSD I) und ihre aufsichtsrechtliche Umsetzung im Vereinigten Königreich und Deutschland

Bok av Dominic Janßen
»The Payment Services Directive (PSD I) and the Implementation of its Supervisory Framework in the United Kingdom and Germany«The Payment Services Directive (PSD I), as a maximum harmonisation directive, was implemented in the United Kingdom through the PSR 2009 and in Germany through the Zahlungsdiensteaufsichtsgesetz. Due to diverging qualifications of Payment Services requiring authorisation as a Payment Institution under the national laws, the author seeks to determine the positive and negative scope and develops approaches to address deficiencies and inconsistencies in the national regulations. Thereby the author also considers amendments due to the forthcoming implementation of the PSD II until January 2018.