Art. 91e GG und das Verdikt verfassungswidrigen Verfassungsrechts : Zur Bindung des verfassungsändernden Gesetzgebers an Art. 79 Abs. 3 GG.

Bok av Christoph Eilenbrock
»Art. 91e GG and the Verdict of Unconstitutional Constitutional Law«After the cooperation between Bund and Länder in joint institutions administrating the basic support for job seekers set out in SGB II was declared to be incompatible with the Constitution by the BVerfG in 2007, Art. 91e GG was introduced to constitutionally enshrine the legal structure in SGB II. This thesis deals with the constitutional requirements of Art. 20 GG, against which a joint administration is to be measured, and with »unconstitutional constitutional law« according to Art. 79 III GG.