Rechtsmängelhaftung in internationalen Warenkaufverträgen : Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung der Regelungen im deutschen Recht, im UN-Kaufrecht sowie im Verordnungsvorschlag über ein Gemeinsames

Bok av Katia Alexandra Rener
»Third Party Rights in International Commercial Sales Contracts. A Comparative Analysis of the Provisions in German Law, the UN-Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Proposal for a Common European Sales Law«Third party rights in international commercial sales law are a topic that is sometimes neglected in the academic discourse. This study analyzes the relevant provisions in the German civil code, the UN-Convention on International Sales (CISG) and the proposed Regulation for a Common European Sales Law (CESL). A special focus lies on the analysis of the relevant case law as well as on intellectual property rights.