Kapitalmarkttransaktionen als Kartellrechtsverstoß? : Eine vergleichende Analyse von Kapitalmarktrecht und Kartellrecht als Steuerungsinstrumente für Verhaltensweisen auf dem Primärmarkt und dem Sekun

Bok av Julius Goldmann
»Trading on Capital Markets as a Violation of Competition Law? A Comparative Analysis of Capital Markets Law and Competition Law as Instruments for the Regulation of Behaviour on the Primary Market and the Secondary Market«This thesis analyses the interplay between capital markets law and competition law on both an abstract and a practical level. It compares the functions and objectives of capital markets law and competition law. It analyses behaviours in connection with, inter alia, market corners/squeezes and stock issues under both legal regimes. This allows for further insights into the relationship between the two legal fields, their specific role in the legal system and the potential need for reform.