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Resozialisierung und Außenkontakte im geschlossenen Vollzug. : Eine kriminologische, strafvollzugs- und verfassungsrechtliche Untersuchung am Beispiel des Telefonierens.
Bok av Jan Fährmann
»Rehabilitation and Contact to the Outside World in Prison. A Criminological, Constitutional and Penal Law Analysis Using the Example of Telephony«The work analyzes contact to the outside world during the prison sentence legally and criminologically. It follows from criminological findings contact is generally positive for the rehabilitation of prisoners. The exploration of telephony in 20 prisons shows that in many cases telephone use of the prisoners seldom supports rehabilitation. The jurisprudential investigation of the constitutional principle of the telephone acts of prison laws and telephone practice shows, among other things, that the telephone norms and practice are partly illegal.