Kommunale Selbstverwaltung im ländlichen Raum: Entsprechen Verbands- und Samtgemeinden sowie Verwaltungsgemeinschaften noch dem Leitbild der Gemeinde? : Gemeindliche Verwaltung in zwei Ebenen: Phänome

Bok av Stefan Brodmerkel
»Local Self-Government in Rural Areas: Are >Verbandsgemeinden, Samtgemeinden< and >Verwaltungsgemeinschaften< Compatible with the Constitutional model of Self-Government?«The thesis deals with >Verbandsgemeinden, Samtgemeinden< and >Verwaltungsgemeinschaften< as a particular German phenomenon of local self-government in rural areas. By comparing different legal regimes on self-government in the >Länder«, characteristic structures are developed. Afterwards, these structures are subjected to a constitutional review: Are the multi-level structures of local self government still compatible which the functional idea of a >commune< as contained in the German constitution?