Persian Origins - Early Judaeo-Persian and the Emergence of New Persian: Collected Papers of the Symposium, Gottingen 1999 : Collected Papers of the Symposium, Göttingen 1999

Bok av Ludwig Paul
D. Durkin-Meisterernst, Late Features in Middle Persian Texts from Turfan, T.E. Gindin, The Tafs-r of Ezekiel: Four Copyists or Four Authors?, J. Gippert, Early New Persian as a Medium of Spreading Islam, É.M. Jeremiás, The Formation of Early New Persian Poetry, A. de Jong, Pa-zand and "retranscribed" Pahlavi: On the Philology and History of Late Zoroastrian Literature, J. Josephson, Nominal Sentences and Copula in Middle and Early New Persian, G. Lazard, Du pehlevi au persan: diachronie ou diatopie?, D.N. MacKenzie, The Missing Link, M. Maggi, New Persian Glosses in East Syriac Texts of the Eighth to Tenth Centuries, P. Orsatti, Syro Persian Formulas in Poetic Form in Baptism Liturgy, L. Paul, Early Judaeo Persian in a Historical Perspective: The Case of the Prepositions be, u, pa(d), and the Suffix ra, S. Shaked, Early Judaeo Persian Texts. With Notes on a Commentary to Genesis, D. Shapira, Judaeo Persian Translations of Old Persian Lexica: A Case of Linguistic Discontinuity, W. Sundermann, Ein manichäischer Lehrtext in neupersischer Sprache, D. Weber, Die Pahlavi Ostraca von Ca-l Tarxa-n ESqabad