Oeuvres Compl tes, IV, Discours Au Tribunat. de la Possibilit d'Une Constitution R publicaine Dans Un Grand Pays (1799-1803)

Bok av Benjamin Constant
This volume contains (a) Constant's remarkable speeches to the Tribunal, published after all available sources, including the minutes of the sessions, with records of all his interventions and of a lost speech, (b) fragments of an uncompleted work ADe la possibilitA(c) d'une constitution rA(c)publicaine dans un grand paysA, edited on the basis of all the manuscripts, (c) a number of other texts from the same period, and (d) a partial copy of ADes circonstances actuellesA by Mme de StaAl, which left its mark on the uncompleted work and is essential to an informed understanding of the initial foundations of Constant's political thinking. This rich collection of texts presented from an unwonted perspective is rounded off, as always, by a chronology, bibliographic resources, and an index of proper names.