Sagan om Drakens återkomst, #1

Das Rad der Zeit - Das Original : Die Suche nach dem Auge der Welt

The eye of the world
Bok av Robert Jordan
7 röster
In dem abgeschiedenen Dorf Emondsfelde erzählt man sich noch immer die alten Geschichten um den Dunklen König und die Magierinnen der Aes Sedai, die das Rad der Zeit drehen. Niemand ahnt, auch der junge Bauernsohn Rand al'Thor nicht, wie viel Wahrheit in diesen Legenden steckt. Dann jedoch überfallen blutrünstige Trollocs, die Häscher des Dunklen Königs, das Dorf und brennen den Bauernhof von Rands Familie nieder. Die Magierin Moiraine verhilft dem Jungen in letzter Minute zur Flucht. Eine phantastische Reise beginnt, während der Rand in sein Schicksal hineinwachsen wird, der Wiedergeborene Drache und der Retter der Welt zu sein ... - Diese vollständig überarbeitete Ausgabe vereint - wie im Original - erstmals den kompletten Auftakt und die Vorgeschichte zu Robert Jordans Meisterwerk »Das Rad der Zeit«.
Välj utgåva
Eye of the worldEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9780812511819
Eye Of the WorldEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9780356503820
The Eye of the WorldEngelska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9780312850098
The Eye of the World: Book One of 'The Wheel of Time'Engelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9780765334336
The Eye of the WorldEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9781857230765
The Eye of the WorldEngelska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9780613176347
Eye Of The World : Book 1 of the Wheel of TimeEngelska - E-bok
ISBN: 9780748115341
Farornas vägSvenska - Ljudbok
ISBN: 9789176139189
Eye Of The WorldEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9781250251466
The Eye of the WorldEngelska - Ljudbok
ISBN: 9781427270610
Sagan om drakens återkomstSvenska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9789127041554
The Eye of the WorldEngelska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9780765336316
Sagan om drakens återkomstSvenska - Pocket
ISBN: 9789127054493
Sagan om drakens återkomstSvenska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9789127032071
Eye of the World - Used
ISBN: 9781435257276
The Eye of the World: Book One of the Wheel of TimeEngelska - Inbunden
ISBN: 9781250754738
Eye Of The WorldEngelska - Pocket
ISBN: 9781250768681
Eye of the World : Book One of The Wheel of TimeEngelska - Ljudbok
ISBN: 9781593974558
The eye of the worldEngelska - Okänt
ISBN: 9780356190686
The eye of the world
ISBN: 9780356501529
I finished it! And it was amazing! On an enjoyment leve this is a easy five star read, but when I put it through my CAWPILE it came out as a four star. A very high four star.

This was just ... amazing. I'm new to adult fantasy in the sense of these epic long series. But I started to read this and was blown away. It don't know how Jordan could make this beast of a book feel like it was a 300 pages. The pacing was just amazing, something happened all the time and small reveals came in every other chapter. The chapters weren't even that long of 20+ pages (some of course was).

The magic system was so interesting and I found myself questioning what was gonna happen and what will happen in later books. I shipped characters and smiled so fucking hard when they did something and said something to one another.

As for some parts, like the long historical lessons about some war I didn't even can remember any name of, I can admit that I skimmed through those. Even if it was of value to read, I wouldn't remember it either way if it came up in some conversation again.

Even though it is a book with a large cast of characters, and with characters that you get small glimpses of that later appear again, Jordan is fantastic to summarize who that person is. If you want to try to read more adult fantasy with a very cool magic system (where women are in power), you should check this out!

I've already purchased the two next book in this series and I can't wait to dive in to it even more.