Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine : Proceedings of the International Congress for Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine / Memoires Du Congres International D'hypnose Et De Medecine Psychosomatique / B

Bok av Jean Lassner
During the International Congress for Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine, held in Paris from April 28th to 30th 1965 under the patronage of the W orld Federation for Mental Health, about one hundred papers were presented and the following panel discussions held: Electroencephalography and Hypnosis, chairman Prof. H. FISCHGOLD (Paris); The Teaching of Hypnosis, chairmen Dr. C. CEDERCREUTZ (Hamina) and Dr. H. RosEN (Baltimore); Hypnosis and Pain, chairman Dr. M. H. ERICKSON (Phoenix); Hypnosis and the Psychotropic Drugs, chairman Dr. B. B. RAGINSKY (Montreal). The official languages of the Congress (German, French and English) were not always the speakers' mother tongues. A certain amount of editing was therefore necessary before publication, and this retarded the printing. Approximately half of the papers appear in this volume. We wish to thank the following organizations for the help they granted the Congress. Prof. J. LASSNER Secretary-general Preambule Au Congres International d'Hypnose et de Medecine Psychosomatique, reuni a Paris du 28 au 30 A vril 1965 sous le patronage de la Federation Mondiale pour la Sante Mentale, une centaine de communications furent presentees et les colloques suivants eurent lieu: l'electroencephalographie et l'hypnose, preside par le Prof. H. FISCHGOLD (Paris); l'enseignement de l'hypnose, preside par les Drs. C. CEDERCREUTZ (Hamina) et H. ROSEN (Baltimore); l'hypnose et la douleur, preside par le Dr. M. H. ERICKSON (Phoenix); et l'hypnose et les drogues psychotropes, preside par le Dr. B. B. RAGINSKY (Montreal).