L Systems

Bok av G Rozenberg
Theory of L systems: From the point of view of formal language theory.- A model for the growth and flowering of aster novae-angliae on the basis of table L-systems.- Adding continuous components to L-systems.- Formal language theoretical approach to intracellular behavior.- Three useful results concerning L languages without interactions.- On the size of dol languages.- Generatively deterministic L languages. Subword point of view.- Growth of strings in context dependent Lindenmayer systems.- Some growth functions of context-dependent L-systems.- Dol systems with rank.- Equivalence of L-systems.- The syntactic inference problem for dol-sequences.- Free groups in Lindenmayer systems.- Notes on pre-set pushdown automata.- Recurrence systems.- Adult languages of L systems and the Chomsky hierarchy.- Structured OL-systems.- Context in parallel rewriting.- Nonterminals and codings in defining variations of OL-systems.- Iteration grammars and lindenmayer AFL's.- Hyper-AFL's and ETOL systems.- ?-OL systems.- Bounded parallelism and regular languages.- Multidimensional Lindenmayer organisms.- Bibliography on L systems.