Group Theoretical Methods in Physics : Seventh International Colloquium and Integrative Conference on Group Theory and Mathematical Physics, Held in Austin, Texas, September 11-16, 1978

Bok av E. Takasugi
The group theory and fundamental physics foundation.- The Wigner Medal.- Tribute to Eugene P. Wigner by A. B hm.- Tribute to Valentine Bargmann by Eugene Wigner.- Solitons.- Semi-classical results in quantum field theory.- Some classical solutions of SU (2) Yang-Mills equations.- Collapsons: New nonlinear excitations.- The excited states of the Prasad-Sommerfield soliton and its SU(3)-generalization.- Geometry for solitons and inverse scattering.- Instantons and embeddings.- A consistent quantization procedure for non-linear problems.- A Lienard-Wiechert type of solution in SU(2).- Application of the boson polynomials of U(n) to physical problems.- Unitary group approach to molecular electronic structure.- Shift operators for the classical groups.- Computer programs for the reduction of Kronecker products and symmetrized Kronecker powers of space group irreducible representations.- A new method for calculating Clebsch-Gordan coefficients.- A biological field theory of evolution.- General Flodmark-Blokker method for irreducible representatives.- Group structure for general lattice systems and surface tension.- Dynamical symmetries of the time-dependent Lewis-Riesenfeld harmonic oscillator.- Induced representations and spontaneous molecular symmetry breaking.- Phase ordering and symmetry in Hg3-?AsF6.- On the application of group theory to the renormalization-group method.- Renormalization group theory of structural phase transitions in A-15: Pm3n-Oh 3.- Structure of the images of the irreducible linear representations of the crystallographic little space groups .- Unitary group formulation of Hartree-Fock theory.- On Symmetries of infinite macrosystems in a standard representation.- Geometry of collective motion.- On labeling the basis in Gln and identifying the racah algebra with SN.- Dynamical groups of parametrized systems: Atomic supermultiplets.- Geometrically formulated gauge dynamics for extended hadrons.- Fundamental length hypothesis in a Gauge theory context.- Superunified theories in superspace.- Relativity principles and fibre bundles.- Dynamical groups for the motion of relativistic composite systems.- Clebsch-Gordon coefficients for the holomorphic discrete series.- Deformation cohomology of the primitive infinite lie algebras.- Interactions in a model of extended particles.- Rigorous results in lattice and continuum Gauge quantum field theories.- A unitary relativistic wave equation exhibiting extended particle structure.- Line space construction of non-self-dual Yang-Mills fields.- An explicit model exhibiting mass and spin mixing.- The ambiguity group for canonical transformations in classical mechanics and its role in their representation in quantum mechanics.- Generating functions for characters of group representations and their applications.- Phase space representations of the Poincar roup & their applications to relativistic particle dynamics.- On subgroups of physical symmetry groups and their invariant electromagnetic fields and potentials.- Covariant observables and instruments.- Quantum spin systems, fermi systems and group extensions.- Review of research on presymmetry.- On the four Euclidean conformal group structure of the Sturmian operator.- An SL(2,R) approach to Schr dinger spectral problem with pseudosingular potential.- Ergodic Theory in von Neumann algebras.- SU(2) harmonic analysis as a basis for quantization.- Some new aspects of Cayley-quantum theory.- Application of quasiclassical methods to uniaxial spin systems.- Mathematical remarks to resonances and their Eigenfunctionals in decay-scattering systems, demonstrated by means of Friedrich's model..- Quatum decay processes and quatum dynamical semigroups.- Unstable quantum states and rigged Hilbert spaces.- Irreversible processes in quantum theory.- Analytic continuation in decay-scattering system.- On the inverse problem of the abstract relativistic scattering theory.- The rigged Hilbert space and decaying states.- Excitation and