Gender Equality in Central and Eastern European Countries

Bok av Michel E Domsch
Frankfurt/M., Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien. This publication takes a look at the current state of equal opportunities between men and women in the labour market in the 10 post-Soviet states which are candidates for membership in the EU and the Russian Federation. The articles are from high-ranking experts from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the International Labour Office and the United States of America and give a systematic look at each country. They also include specialists' insights into several aspects of women's employment and as far as possible provide a view of the social and professional situation of highly qualified women in Eastern Europe. This publication will be of interest to experts from different interest groups and research areas. Contents: Michel E. Domsch/Desiree H. Ladwig/Eliane Tenten: General overview of the larger economic and social context behind the changes in women's lives in Russia and in 10 Central and Eastern European countries - Gisela Lange: Gender equality in Central and Eastern European candidate countries - an ILO perspective - Laura Riolli-Saltzman/Victor Savicki: Gender equality in Eastern Europe: a cross cultural approach - Sasha Todorova/Zdravka Toneva: Professional development of women with higher education in Bulgaria - Rumiana Stoilova: Inter- and intra-gender inequalities based on qualification - Hana Marikova: Gender equality in the Czech Republic - the position of highly qualified women in the transforming society - Zdenka Hajna: Towards equal opportunities 1999-2000 - results of a project funded by the European Commission in the Czech Republic - LeeniHansson: Women on the Estonian labour market: continuity and change - Beata Nagy: Women in the economic elite in Hungary - Parsla Eglite: Advantages and disadvantages of women in post-soviet Latvia - Vida Kanopiene: Women on the Lithuanian labour market - Renata Siemienska: Gender and careers of highly skilled in Poland - Adelina Huminic: The situation of highly qualified women in economic and public life in Romania - Zoya Khotkina: Equal/unequal opportunities for women with high education in contemporary society and labour market - Ludmila Popkova: Gender policy in Russia: trends and debates on equal opportunities for women - Ludovit Cziria/Margita Barosova/ Maria Chaloupkova/Magdalena Piscova: Women issues and gender equality in employment in Slovakia - Nevenka Cernigoj Sadar: Employment of women in Slovenia - Desiree H. Ladwig/Eliane Tenten: The future of equal opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe - Survey results.