Changes in the European Institutions in Regard to the Eastern Enlargement : The Distribution of Power Between Member States of Different Population Sizes

Bok av Daniela Keller
Scholary Paper aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Politik - Int. Politik - Thema: Europäische Union, Note: B+, Veranstaltung: Graduate Research Seminar on the European Union, 14 Eintragungen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Englisch, Anmerkungen: Research paper for a Reserach Conference on the European Union: How did the institutions change due to the Eastern Enlargement? (especially Nice Treaty and Constitutional Treaty) How are the distributions of power between larger and bigger states? Thesis: even though smaller member states gained power in various institutions such as the European Commission, overall the big member states enlarged their power in the European Institutions. , Abstract: A paper presented at the European Union Center of CaliforniaHow did the power structures of the institutions adopt to the situation of involving ten new member states, which are mostly consisting of smaller populations. The development of power structures in the European institutions in regard to the European enlargement are investigated in this paper. A comparison of the different European institutions and their importance comes to the conclusion that, overall, the bigger states enlarged their power due to the European enlargement.