Analysis of GIS-Software - A GIS Software Market Survey in the Business to Consumer (B2c) and Business to Business (B2B) Market : Design and development of a criteria catalogue built up on a classific

Bok av Ondrej Horsky
Bachelor Thesis aus dem Jahr 2007 im Fachbereich Wirtschaft - Marketing, Unternehmenskommunikation, CRM, Marktforschung, Note: 2,0, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik und BWL), Veranstaltung: Vertiefungskurs VI - Spezialisierung E-Commerce, 4 + 70 Onlinequellen Eintragungen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Englisch, Anmerkungen: Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Konzipierung eines 'Kriterienkataloges' der qualitative Kriterien bei der Anschaffung von GIS-Desktop Software bewertet und gewichtet. Zentraler praktischer Teil dieser Arbeit war die Evaluierung der Datengrundlage in Form von strukturierten Firmen-Interviews die GIS-Desktop SW im Einsatz haben bzw. GIS-Desktop SW in naher Zukunft anschaffen. , Abstract: This Bachelor thesis deals with geographic information system software in the traditional GIS-Desktop SW range. The idea of this literature work and qualitative field study is to arrange the concept of a 'criteria catalogue' as a decisive base for the acquisition of the market segment, 'professional GIS-Desktop SW systems' of Business to Consumer (B2C) and Business to Business enterprise (B2B) serves. A basis for the production of a criterion catalogue was the analysis of the extracts of the GIS-Research study of the company Daratech, Inc from the year 2006 [Dara06]. This criteria catalogue should be developed for Business to consumer (B2C) companies that have this GIS-applications already in use or decide towards this market segment in the close future. For these B2C companies the criterion cata-logue was created in this work and should become an important high-class instrument for future purchase decisions of the market segment, 'Professional Desktop GIS-Software' (Prof. Desktop GIS-SW).In accordance to the current scientific literature relating to the 'criteria catalogue' the raw and fine criteria do not to date exist (publicly not accessibly) on the segment 'Prof. Desktop GIS-SW' systems that developed 'criterion catalogue' summarises on a research basis on qualitative interviews (primary research) and literature studies (secondary analysis) to be based on.This work contains the following main chapters: 'Introduction' (chapter 5), 'project description' (chapter. 6), 'GIS-SW Market Overview' (chapter. 7.1), 'GIS-Software systems overview' (chapter 7.4), 'developing process of the criteria catalogue' (chapter 7.5), 'Discussion about the results of the primary research phase' (chapter 7.6) and 'Analyzed reference Prof. GIS-Desktop Systems' (chapter 7.7). The final chapter 'Conclusion and views forward' (chapter 8) sums up the main parts of this work and shows cognition results of the primary research phase as well as other modelling and design possibilities of the introduced criteria catalogue.