Migrationsnetzwerke : Illegale Immigration nach Italien auf dem Seeweg - Ein Blick auf die Politik Italiens und der EU

Bok av Julian Traublinger
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Geowissenschaften / Geographie - Politische Geographie, Note: 1,0, Universitt Salzburg (Fachbereich Geographie und Geologie), Veranstaltung: Proseminar: Globalisierung, Regionalentwicklung und Regionalanalyse (WS 2007/08), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Abstract "It is not the Immigration, which creates the problems - it is how it is managed politically. It is also not Europe, which is under attack, but the walls of a fortress that are being built presently." Corinna Milborn: "Gestrmte Festung Europa...", p. 7 (Translation by the author) In this thesis about the boat people in the Mediterranean an emphasis lies on Italy and further on the EU policy on refugees in the Mediterranean under cooperation with African states. Regarding the EU policy it is especially about the border security agency Frontex that has available a rapidly growing budget coming from the EU funds. The protagonists of the EU politics like to stress that their policies are for the best of the migrants themselves as well as their countries of origins and the ones they are going to so that they could produce a "triple win situation". But refugee aid and other human rights organizations critizise harshly that refugees are criminalized and do not get their legitimate rights guaranteed. The NGOs collected numerous examples of inhumane policies against "illegal" migrants in countries around the Mediterranean. By bringing together the current events, the author wants to describe with this thesis state networks about illegal migration and follow the question if there is the wish of the EU to accord the refugees their rights at all. Aus dem Inhalt: Es ist nicht die Einwanderung, die Probleme schafft - es ist der politische Umgang damit. Es ist auch nicht Europa, das gestrmt wird - es sind die Mauern einer Festung, die derzeit gebaut wird. Corinna Milborn in Gestrmte Festung Europa...", S. 7 In dieser Arbeit ber die boat people im Mittelmeer liegt ein