Die Integrationsproblematik in Der Migrationsliteratur Am Beispiel Von Andre Ekamas 'Schwarzer Sein Im Weissen Himmel'

Bok av Jeannot Moukouri Ekobe
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Deutsch - Literatur, Werke, Note: 14,5, Universit de Yaound I, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In a context, where the immigration of young Africans to Europe draws the attention of western countries on the debate, where national identity has its full right, where extreme parties are winning more and more credibility close to the European elections, where proposers on the view points such as political immigration to Sarkozy or to Schroeder and the problematic aspect of western media, who contributes enormously in inflaming the debate of immigration coming from Africa, the reaction of experts and young African researchers seems particularly urgent. It is in this context that the present research work registers and the main goal is to present the way the Cameroonian Author, Andr Ekama, points out the problem of integration in his writing "Schwarzer sein im weien Himmel" (being black under white Sky.-M.E.J) To reach this goal we are faced with two principal questions, which constitute the target point of our work: -What are the obstacles to African integration in the west? -Which conditions are put in place to facilitate the integration of these immigrants? The methods employed to respond to these questions are analyzed discourse on the one hand and structural analyze on the other hand. This study permits us to draw conclusions such as, despite the numerous obstacles faced by young Africans, integration into Europe remains possible under certain conditions. This conclusion calls for a reconsideration of the phenomenon of migration. It brings about the idea that, the phenomenon of immigration is not a threat rather it offers a good chance of collaboration between the countries of departure and the receiving countries. It is during mondialisation that interpenetration and interconnection between different cultures seems possible. The present study can be then considered as an attempt in solving the question of immigration, wh