Women Employees in Information Technology Industry : A Research Study

Bok av Santhi T S
The distinctive nature of Indian career women is that they do not like to abandon their conventional role of home maker while taking any job. In the context of epoch making changes that the Indian Information Technology sector is witnessing and the womenfolk accounting for around half of work force in this sector, an in-depth analytical study of women employees in Information Technology sector assumes singular significance. Further women are said to blend judiciously the traditional love for home and dedication for the work entrusted. They possess certain inborn qualities like patience, tolerance, affability, courtesy, etc. and qualities required for doing any job sincerely and methodically. These should enable them to handle with success even challenging situations and go up on the hierarchy in the Information Technology Industry.The present study is aimed at helping the high level authorities to frame a suitable policy for recruitment of women employees on a large scale if the findings confirm that their innate traits influence significantly their performance efficiency.