Retrieving the Immersed Subjective Science : Path of Inner Evolution

Bok av Har Prashad
Outwardly we all are mostly alike but inwardly each one of us is entirely different and has unique personality. This book is for the retrieval of immersed subjective science of an ever-lasting phenomenon that always illuminates the kindle divine light in heart of souls that remains for ever; it is for the sole purpose of Self-realization to merge with the Supernal. Spiritual aspirants, who follow vertical divine pathless path of ascendance for Self-realization, discharging worldly horizontal duties, have to face lot of intrinsic problems before they are evolved. Now a day, basically, no personal advance guidance face to face and direction are available for such aspirants, and thus number of their queries remains unresolved. This book is an effort that retrieves an essential approach to subjective immersed science for the various intrinsic queries, which need immediate answers in the form of questions/answers. This is for the benefit of true seekers of truth, living in the society as house holders, but inwardly fully devoted to fulfill the primary purpose of life ---- the Self- realization.