Phytochemical &; Analgseic Activity of Monochoria Vaginalis Presl Roots : Phytochemical investigation and screening Analgesic activity of Monochoria vaginalis P roots

Bok av Manish Kumar Gupta
The present study was carried out to investigate Monochoria vaginalis P. roots pharmacognostically and phytochemically and also to evaluate same for Analgesic activity. The detailed morphology of Monochoria vaginalis P roots was carried out to support proper identification of drug selected for investigation. Various proximate values for the roots of Monochoria vaginalis P. were performed. Qualitative chemical examinations of various extracts revealed the presence of Alkaloids, Phenols, Carbohydrates, Glycosides, Tannin, Flavonoids. Further, TLC studies of total alcoholic and chloroform fraction were carried out to substantiate the presence of Phytoconstituents. An attempt was also made to isolate compounds by Column chromatography and further characterized the isolated compounds by physical parameters, chemical tests, TLC and by spectral studies such as, UV, FT-IR, 1H-NMR and LC-MS. The total ethanolic extract, chloroform fraction and aqueous extract of Monochoria vaginalis P. was evaluated for Analgesic activity in mice and the extract showed significant analgesic activity at all tested levels by Tail immersion and Eddy's hot plate methods.