Knowledge of Plant Protection Measures in Pomegranate : Pomegranate Plant Protection Measures in Western Maharashtra

Bok av Deshmukh Bhagwan
The study revealed that the majority of the pomegranate growers had 36 to 50 years age (32.89 %), received up to degree and higher education (36.00 %), had higher socio-economic status (51.55 %), cosmopoliteness and small land holding (38.67 %), cultivating the pomegranate crop on 2.01 to 5.00 hectares of their land holding, had annual income between Rs. 4, 00,001/- to 7, 00,000/- (41.33 %), were having higher scientific orientation (60.44 %), economic motivation (58.22) and innovativeness (40.44 %), higher use of extension personnel, group contact, mass contact and were using medium local personnel source for getting information on plant protection measures. It was observed that the majority of the respondents had knowledge about soil selection, water management, planting material, bahar management, control of diseases like bacterial blight, leaf and fruit spots, wilt complex. The control measures for pests like shot hole borer, aphids, thrips, fruit sucking moth, pomegranate butterfly and root knot nematode were known to majority of the pomegranate growers.