Morphological Evaluation of Live Food Organism During Ontogenesis

Bok av Labh Shyam Narayan
Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food producing sectors of the world and plays an important role in the socioeconomic development of many countries in view of its potential contribution to national income, nutritional security, social objectives and sustainable large export earnings. It continues to be the fastest growing animal food producing sector and to outpace population growth. Today, the global community faces multiple and interlinked challenges ranging from the impacts of the ongoing financial and economic crisis to greater climate change vulnerabilities and extreme weather events. At the same time, it must also reconcile meeting the pressing food and nutrition needs of a growing population with finite natural resources. Carps are the most dominated species in aquaculture, which are largely consumed and are ecologically compatible. High mortality and retarded growth are encountered in larvae in nursery ponds.