LabVIEW Run Four Point Probe Device : Electrical Characterization of Semiconducting Thin Films made easy by Four Point Probe System controlled by LabVIEW

Bok av John Agumba
This book is a product of a fascinating research done through an attempt to find a fast and an accurate means of performing I-V measurements across a semiconducting thin film sample by use of a four point probe system that adopts a Van der Pauw symmetry. From the book, the reader will gain vast knowledge in Thin film Physics, elecronic design, computer interfacing computer automation and measurements in LabVIEW platform. The book outlines step-by-step design and fabrication procedures of the probe head and the Van der Pauw switching device. The interfacing of the Keithley SourceMeter 2400 to a LabVIEW running computer via the serial port is also explained in details. The interfacing of the Van der Pauw circuit to the Computer via the parallel port for switching of the probe tips on the sample surface is also addressed. The book further explains the deposition of Cuprous Oxide thin films on a glass substrate by sputtering technique and explores how the deposition parameters affects the I-V characteristics of these thin films. The reader is encouraged to have a keen look at each design step and carefully follow through the block diagram codes for better understanding.