Novel Precursor in Synthesis, Characterization of Cuins2 Nanoparticle

Bok av Seyed Mostafa Hosseinpour
We have demonstrated synthesis of nanostructure CuInS2 (CIS) with a microwave method in the present of novel precursor for absorption layer of solar cells. Dark brown CuInS2 nanoparticles were obtained by microwave mixture of Cu (gly)2 as a novel precursor and InCl3 and S like Thiourea, L-cystin, TAA (thioacetamide), Thiosemicarbazid, TGA (Thioglycolic acid), Na2S2O3 (Sodium Thiosulfate) and (NH4)2S (Ammonium sulfate)in 1:1:2 stochiometric ratio in propylene glycol. The absorption and photoluminescence studies of the CuInS2 nanoparticles displayed quantum confinement behavior. To examine the application of CuInS2 nanostructures as an absorption layer, thin film of CdS was chemical bath on the CuInS2 film in order to fabricate a solar cell..