Women Empowerment and Sustainable Rural Development in India : An Experience of Women Self Help Group Members

Bok av A Abdul Raheem
The rural sector in India plays a predominant role in the development of the economy. Women in India still perform only their traditional roles in their houses and in agriculture. They do not engage in any of the economic activities without assistance from their men folk due to socio-cultural, traditional practices, conventions and taboos. The development of women entrepreneurship is very low in rural India, though the urban women are slightly enjoying better status in the society. Women's skill and knowledge, their talent and abilities in business and a compelling desire of wanting to do something positive are some of the reasons for the Self Help Group formation and its development. Self Help Groups SHGs are of recent origin in India. Self Help Groups are small, economically homogeneous and affinity groups of rural and urban poor women, voluntarily formed for working together for the social and economic uplift of their families and community. The Government of India and various State Governments have been implementing various programmes for rural upliftment.