Hepatoprotective Potential of Leucas Cephalotes (Roth) Spreng : Hepatoprotective and in vitro antioxidant activity against carbon tetrachloride induced liver damaged in rats

Bok av Girish U Sailor
Liver is the main organ responsible for drug metabolism and appears to be sensitive target site for substances modulating biotransformation. Despite of tremendous advances in modern medicine, hepatic disease remains a worldwide health problem. The Indian subcontinent has a glorious tradition of usage of medicinal preparations from natural herbs. Leucas Cephalotes (Roth) Spreng (Family: Labiatae or Lamiaceae) rainy season weed, traditionally used in liver disorder according to ayurveda. However, the hepatoprotective potential of plant has never been reported. Owing to the lacunae of scientific information, this study was designed to investigate the in vitro antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of crude methanolic extract of whole plant of L. cephalotes. The results of biochemical parameters and antioxidant parameters suggested that the treatment with L. cephalotes methanolic extract enhance the recovery from CCl4 induced hepatic damaged due to its antioxidant and hepatoprotective property. This finding would be useful for students and researcher to find out active principle responsible for hepatoprotective potential.