Testing Bioassessment Methods in Some Highland Streams of Ethiopia : Applicability of bioassessment using benthic macroinvertebrates in Ethiopia

Bok av Aschalew Lakew Haile
Biological monitoring methods of aquatic resources is well established in developed world such as Europe, North America, Australia and Great Britain while in most of developing countries of Africa and Asia it is in its infancy stage but increasing rapidly to determine ecological status and manage anthropogenic practices that impose pressure on aquatic systems. The use of organisms' response as indicators of human impacts in running water has a long tradition. The most popularly used organisms for bioassessment, benthic macroinvertebrates are useful in evaluating water quality and the overall health of flowing water systems as they are affected by changes in a stream's chemical and/or physical structure. This manuscript will provide important information for environmentalist, policy makers, managers and researchers on aquatic resources and related topics to farther develop and adapt bioassessment tools to sustainably use aquatic resources of Ethiopia.