Formulation and Evaluation of Carvedilol Liquisolid Tablets

Bok av Shashidher Burra
The present study enlightens to enhance the dissolution profile, absorption efficiency and bioavailability of water insoluble drugs like carvedilol. A novel "Powder Solution Technology" involves absorption and adsorption efficiency, which makes use of liquid medications admixed with suitable carriers and coating materials and formulated into a free flowing, dry looking, non adherent and compressible powder forms. Based upon a new mathematical model expression improved flow characteristics and hardness of the formulation has been achieved by changing the proportion of carrier and coating material ratio from 20:1 to 5:1. Di calcium phosphate , Avicel PH 200 were showing acceptable flow properties compared with Avicel PH 101 and Lactose. Higher dissolution rates (98.4%) were observed in Poly ethylene glycol 400 and Avicel PH 200 containing liquisolid formulations (F5) compared with marketed product (CARCA 12.5 mg tablets) 81% drug release. Poly ethylene glycol 400 was showing highest solubility compared with poly ethylene glycol 200, propylene glycol and glycerin. The crystalline state of carvedilol drug state is changed to amorphous state due to liquisolid formation and is confi