Tumours Of Larynx : A Clinico-Pathological Study

Bok av Sangeeta Aggarwal
The larynx serves to protect the lower airways, facilitates respiration and plays a key role in phonation. Based on anatomic location, the larynx is divided into supraglottis, glottis and subglottis. Tumours of the larynx are usually DETECTED due to Dysphonia, i.e. change in voice, but the early and precise diagnosis of cancer of larynx is still a challenge unless it is clinically suspected & histopathological examination is done at earliest. Laryngeal tumours may be benign or malignant. About 95% of laryngeal carcinomas are typical SQUAMOUS CELL tumours. The present study on 50 patients aimed at tabulating the various Pre-disposing factors for laryngeal tumours. The exact cause of laryngeal cancers is still unknown, however our findings confirmed that smoking & alcohol abuse are definitely associated with increase in their incidence. This book is intended to help students of the Medical profession, both under-graduates and post-graduates, to clear their concepts regarding the anatomy & physiology of the larynx. And also for them to be able to detect tumours of larynx clinically and advise biopsy as early as possible for their effective Treatment.