Traditional And Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants From India : Practices and Treatment for Human Diseases

Bok av Kaladhar D S V G K
Our nature is provided with lot of natural sources which is beneficial to the human kind. Protecting these natural sources is very much important and is also necessary to pass for the next generations.The book covers 147 plant species which are available freely in the surroundings. In the System(s) of medicine, these medicinal plants apart from Ayurveda can be also used in Folk, Siddha, Homeopathy and Unani, as a natural and permanent cure against human diseases. Much research has to be conducted in future such as Isolation of compounds, Medicinal chemistry, Biodiversity, PhytoInformatics, PalynoInformatics, antimicrobial studies, Tissue culture, Design of Markers, DNA fingerprinting, Metabolic studies, Genetics, Genomic and Proteomic studies, Phylogenetic analysis, Formulation of media, Food Science and Technology, Bionanotechnology, Biodiesel and Biofuels, Biofouling, Bioremediation, Biopesticides, Data mining, Quality and resistant food products, etc. These technologies should focus on developing human health and living habits of other living species that can be transformed to the future generations.