Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Curcuma Longa

Bok av Jabbar Farah
Recently the medicinal properties of turmeric have increasingly been recognized. It is being researched systematically even in the Western world and have found in curcumin a near-perfect starting material for drug discovery. Curcumin exhibits a wide range of activities as inhibit cancer which is considered the second cause of death in the world. The etiology of cancer is multi-factorial, and an interaction between genetic and environmental factors is required to initiate the disease. One of the causes of cancer is exposure to environmental pollutant such as heavy metals which entry via Industrial revolution due to consumer products that are used by man in day to day life. The aim of this book is to present the biological activities of phenolic compounds extracted from rhizomes of Curcuma longa which has potential effect against leukemia and prevention of chromosomal aberration caused by Nickel chloride, chromosomes obtained by G banding technique directed to karyotyping by using modern software called Ikaros Metasystem. Specialist of Cytogenetic, plant, pharmaceuticals who produce drugs from natural source or find out effective agent protect human from heavy metals