Charismata in Pauline Theology : Understanding Gifts in Paul's Selected Corpus from an African Perspective

Bok av Olagunju Olugbenga
The task of this book is to discuss "Charismata in Pauline Theology." The discussion is based on Pauline authentic epistles of Romans and First Corinthians. The word charisma "gift" is unique to Paul. It is found sixteen times in his epistles and only one time in Peter (1Peter 4:10). The word charismata "gifts" is used generally and distinctively. Although there are other Greek terms used interchangeably with charisma these terms are dorea and dorhema , which also means free gift. These words (dorea and dorehma) when used in relation to charismata further enhances the uniqueness of the language as Paul distinct word for giftedness. To Paul, all believers in Christ received 'charisma' at salvation. This charisma is a gracious gift of God, that is freely bestowed on them at salvation. Charismata are unique to individual believers and it differentiates them from one another for the purpose of enhancing their mutual service.