Dye Degrading Potential of Rhizobacteria and Enzyme Responsible

Bok av Anees M K
The quality of life on the Earth is linked inextricably to the overall quality of the environment. It is unfortunate, as the progress in science, technology and industry causing discarding of a large amount pollutants ranging from raw sewage to nuclear wastes into the ecosystem, thereby posing a serious threat on survival of life depending on it, which include humans. Improved knowledge in the functioning of plants and microbes has lead to new method of pollution treatment namely Bioremediation. Bioremediation employs the use of microbes mainly bacteria and fungi to scavenge the pollutants in effective manner; which is cheap and eco-friendly. Textile and paper industries contribute to one of the major part of a country's, which requires dyeing and coloring units. Effluents of dyeing and coloring process upon dumping in an unsystematic way are causing severe threat to the ecosystem. With the application of bioremediation tech. The present work deals with the isolation and identification of azo-dye degrading rhizobacterium from effluent tolerant plants and the purification, the kinetic studies on the enzyme responsible of the selected rhizobacterium.