Efl Teaching Practices Vis-A-VIS Students' Learning Styles : Elementary School Students in Focus

Bok av Ketema Engliz
This book is aimed at investigating whether or not the EFL teaching practices address students' learning styles at some elementary schools, descriptive research method was found to be convenient for the study. The data collected were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics. From the analyzed data it was found out that students' major learning preferences were visual and global. Their minor learning preferences were auditory and tactile,while they showed negative learning preferences towards analytical learning style. Whereas, the instructional practices favored auditory and analytical learners, and least consideration was given to global and visual learners. Besides, the teaching practices neglected the tactile learners. From these findings, it was concluded that there was mismatch between the students' learning styles and the current EFL teaching practices. This implies that the problems could be aroused from lack of accommodating different learning styles in the classroom teaching and from inability to use methods and teaching aids that cater for students' different learning styles.