Spin Structure Of The Deuteron

Bok av Guler Nevzat
The physics program with CLAS at Jefferson Lab has collected a large amount of data on the spin structure functions of the nucleon by using polarized electron beam directed on polarized NH3 and ND3 targets. In these experiments, the virtual photon asymmetry and the spin structure functions were measured with an unprecedented precision in a large kinematic range. The data help us to better understand the spin structure of the nucleon, especially in the transition region between hadronic and quark-gluon degrees of freedom. Therefore, it will be possible to put limits on quark-hadron duality, test pQCD predictions for the quark polarization at large Bjorken x, perform more precise calculations of higher-twist matrix elements in the framework of the Operator Product Expansion and get a glimpse of A1 at high x. In addition, using available proton and deuteron data together and utilizing a new unfolding technique, the spin structure functions for the neutron in the resonance region are extracted.