Introgression of Genes from Wild Progenitors in Durum : T.dicoccoides and T.dicoccum in durum wheat (T.turgidum var durum)

Bok av Chelliah Anuradha
Plant yield and quality are complex characters depending upon a number of genetic factors interacting with the environment. The development of superior variety is based on magnitude of genetic variability in the base population and extent of heritability of desired character. The limited variability in durum wheat owing to its evolutionary history is of great concern in improving its yield potential. Yield enhancement could be obtained indirectly by improving yield components which are controlled by a number of genes with small additive effect which are called as Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs). Ability of the wild progenitor species to improve yield and quality characters is well known.Thus, there is a scope to improve the protein content and other quality parameters and quality of various products made from durum wheat through the transfer of alien genes from the related wild progenitor species.